rantings and ravings of an asexual fiber geek

Posts tagged ‘cake’


Some time in the next few months the social justice club at my school will be getting together to watch the (a)sexual documentary that recently came out. I have already seen the film, and thought it was pretty good, but will do a full review after seeing it with the club.

But the movie is not the point of this post. I am not a great baker, but I really want to try my hand at making a cake for the meeting. But not just any cake! No, I want to make a cake that resembles as closely as possible the AVEN cake.

So, any ideas? I’ll only make it two layers of chocolate cake with some sort of white icing between the layers and maybe sugar pearls on top? I dunno the best way to go about imitating cartoon cake. Please leave me a comment with recipe ideas/suggestions!

The AVEN cake!

The AVEN cake!