rantings and ravings of an asexual fiber geek

Posts tagged ‘Dr. Who’

what every teenage girl is thinking about:


I bought a needlemaster recently and I have to say that I am very disappointed by it. The needle tips are fine, I don’t mind then at all, and I loooooove that they are rainbow! But the cables. They do. not. bend.

I’m getting to the point in extermiknit  where it is just getting too small for the 16 inch cable that I am using. I either need to switch to doublepoints (I don’t have any in the right size) or magic loop the rest of the body. If I had a size 6 in KP Options I wouldn’t even hesitate to magic loop it, but I don’t. I have a size 6 in Boye, and the cables do. not. bend.

I’m almost thinking that I’m going to have to connect two or more of the cables together in order to give the needles enough give for magic loop, but that seems silly. The longest cable length in the set should be long enough for magic loop. But it isn’t.

I wish I hadn’t used my gift card on the Boye Needlemaster. I should have sold it to one of my parents and then used 20 dollars and the 50 from the gift card to buy a set of Knitpicks Options nickel plated. But I didn’t.

Just keep knitting, just keep knitting

I told you a few days ago that I had finished Vortex? Well now I have pictures. (read: proof)

I’m also working on extermiknit, as my super-secret-can’t-work-on-around-family project. I know nothing about Dr. Who, but my sister loves it, so she gets a stuffed dalek for her birthday. I just finished the fourth and final bobble row! I have gotten so sick of bobbles in the past few weeks. I’d be knitting along and then blam. I’d hit a bobble row and what would have taken me three minutes in stockinette is suddenly taking me an hour with bobbles added on. It was driving me up a wall. BUT I finished the last bobble row! So hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.

And while I was procrastinating on the extermiknit, I started Rose Red. I’m two rows into the colorwork section.