rantings and ravings of an asexual fiber geek

Posts tagged ‘lunch’

“it’s like saying that you were born racist!”

Today while I was eating lunch, the people sitting next to me (I do not know them) were talking about someone who had just come out as gay to them. Fine. Whatever.

But then I heard the next thing one of them said.

“And you know that whole ‘I was born that way’ thing? No. You choose to be straight or gay. You have a choice.”

Just your basic ol’ homophobia. Annoying as heck, but nothing out of the ordinary.

“Saying you were born gay is like saying that you were born racist! It is an action that you CHOOSE.”

I’ll admit that I was stunned. First, I’ve never heard of anyone defending their racism by saying that they were born racist (and trust me, I’ve heard PLENTY of people try to defend their racism.) I was born that way is not usually their go-to excuse. Usually it’s something like “can’t you take a joke?” or “I am NOT racist” (like saying that prooves it) But equating racism with being gay, even to try and say that they are both choices is appalling.

Secondly, of course we all know that sexual orientation is not a choice, but really? Couldn’t they have at least tried to be supportive of their gay friend?

Thirdly, gay=racism? Really people?