rantings and ravings of an asexual fiber geek

Posts tagged ‘present’

you know that feeling…

…when you have a proect that you reeeeeeally need and want to work on, but it is a present for a member of your family and can only be worked on in secret? And when it is a colorwork project that you know would get incredibly tangled if you tried to stuff it into your bag to work on it at school? And you desperately need something to knit while watching TV, but you can’t work on that one specific proect because then the recipient would see it?

So then you start a project (like, say, Vortex by Lee Meredith) hoping that if will last long enough to give you an ample amount of TV knitting? And then you finish it in a day? And feel the need to start something else, despite the fact that you should work on that original project? So you cast on for Rose Red by Christi Wasson?

Yeah. I do too.