rantings and ravings of an asexual fiber geek

Posts tagged ‘yarn’

Draft Days

Over the summer I challenged myself to create a weaving draft each day, but when school started up again I just didn’t have the time. In order to help motivate myself to do more drafting, I’ll post a weaving or tablet weaving draft each week for people to use as they wish. So here is the first draft! It is a tablet weaving pattern that I created to weave a guitar strap. The pattern is on the left and the strap I’m working on is on the right. I hope y’all enjoy!

To give credit where credit is due: I use Guntram’s Tabletweaving Thingy to create tablet weaving drafts and WeaveDesign to create all other drafts. Both are fantastic programs that make designing for weaving easy and fun. I highly recommend them!


This shows all cards threaded S, but I have been weaving with the first 12 cards threaded S and the second 12 threaded Z

This shows all cards threaded S, but I have been weaving with the first 12 cards threaded S and the second 12 threaded Z

Just keep knitting, just keep knitting

I told you a few days ago that I had finished Vortex? Well now I have pictures. (read: proof)

I’m also working on extermiknit, as my super-secret-can’t-work-on-around-family project. I know nothing about Dr. Who, but my sister loves it, so she gets a stuffed dalek for her birthday. I just finished the fourth and final bobble row! I have gotten so sick of bobbles in the past few weeks. I’d be knitting along and then blam. I’d hit a bobble row and what would have taken me three minutes in stockinette is suddenly taking me an hour with bobbles added on. It was driving me up a wall. BUT I finished the last bobble row! So hopefully it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.

And while I was procrastinating on the extermiknit, I started Rose Red. I’m two rows into the colorwork section.